Donate to Us

We welcome donations of any size. 100% of the money we raise goes to fund our work to protect our Red Squirrel population and to help them flourish in our area and elsewhere.
If you donate to our bank please let us know so we can thank you as soon as possible - email
Financial support is always welcome and you can donate by:

Cheques and Money Orders

Payable to Lower Coquetdale Red Squirrels

Standing Order or Bank Transfers

Payable to Lower Coquetdale Red Squirrels
Account No: 59690168
Sort Code: 30-99-98
Bank: Lloyds Bank

Donate via PayPal

Send documents:

All paper documents can be sent to:
Lower Coquetdale Red Squirrels
Stable Cottage, Newmoor Hall,
Longframlington, Northumberland, NE65 8EQ